Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Server Commands

To use Alltalk, pull down console and type: bind v voiceall
-Press the v key once to toggle alltalk on/off.
-This only affects you, not the whole server.

!perks to choose or review perks.
!tankbuster for weapons, 1 pipebomb and 1 pill.
!zinfo to bring up your stats.
!did for advanced stats.
!spectate to spectate.
!laser to toggle laser sights on or off.
!listupgrades to review your survivor upgrades.

If you cannot confirm your perks, pull down console and type:
bind 6 "slot6"
bind 7 "slot7"
bind 8 "slot8"
bind 9 "slot9"
bind 0 "slot0"

If you cannot get to console, in the main screen go to:
Options --> Keyboard/Mouse --> Allow Developers Console --> Enabled.
Tap the tilde key or ~ (typically the key below your "Esc" key) to pull down console in-game

Server Updates: !tankbuster, !perks, unlimited reloads, Ghost Tank

Whew!! It’s been an uber busy past couple of days, with a ton of changes on the server! Here are the changes:

Type !tankbuster in all talk to access the weapons menu. You get access to all the guns, plus 1 pipebomb and 1 bottle of pain pills per round.

Also, survivors now have infinite ammo reserves. You still have to reload as normal, though you have unlimited reloads.

Ghost Tank: Tank now spawns as a ghost and freezes until a human player can take control. So, no more spawning on fire or with half your health because the Bot decided to rush the survivors!!

The biggest change to the server is the perks! Both survivors and infected get access to special perks to customize their game as they see fit. There are too many perks to list here, but they’re all pretty sweet! When you first spawn, either as infected or survivors, you make your selection across all of the perks including both survivors and infected perks, then lock into them for that map. You can switch up your perks on the map changes, or simply carry forward the ones you have chosen in the previous map. To access the perks menu, or to check on what perks you have, type !perks in all talk.

Since both teams now have perks, some of the random upgrades have been removed. Survivors no longer have access to hollow points, ointment (faster speed), fast reload, second wind or smelling salts as these are now all perks they can choose for themselves. Survivors will still receive 1 upgrade when the tank spawns and 1 upgrade for killing the tank or witch. Tanks are pretty tough, more so with the Tank perks, so I think survivors should get something extra for their efforts. Survivors can still crawl and have increased health when down

For infected, I’ve basically gutted almost all of the infected tweaks as there are a slew of infected perks. The only ones remaining are the slightly faster smoker/boomer speeds, the smoker release, and the hunter release. Though, I think the perks have disabled the smoker release (unless you choose that perk). The tank is practically un-altered with the exception of infinite frustration time.

That's about it! There were some minor administrative changes for Admins, like the ability to veto votes started by players, and the ability to perform spray tracking and take appropriate actions.


Server Updates: Special Ammo Types and Upgrade Tweaks

So, I've been on the fence for awhile about incendiary ammo. On the one hand, I really like the effect of burning infected. It's just disturbingly satisfying. =) On the other, it is a bit over-powered. I finally found a plug-in that balances it out.

The plug-in counts the number of infected you have killed and awards 100 rifle rounds or 20 shotgun rounds for every 75 infected you kill. Most people average about 300 infected across the entire map cycle, so that would be 4 instances you could get incendiary ammo. We might have to adjust the number of infected down because, frankly, who doesn't like burning zombies?? It'll just have to be play-tested to see where the sweet-spot is.

The other advantage of this plugin is it no longer sets the witch or tank on fire--only common infected and the other special infected.

The Hot Meal (awards 150HP) and Raincoat (protects from boomer vomit) perks have also been disabled. Too many people are surprised and rage-quit when their well planned boomer vomit only infects 1 person, so the raincoat had to go. And, the Hot Meal perk was an unfair advantage if you received it right before getting into the saferoom (and thus had it count as health points). Knife (escape hunter/smoker) is staying. Yes, people will still rage-quit over it, but there's just something funny to me where they pounce on someone, relax and sit back to let the Hunter do his work, only to get a shiv in the heart!! Priceless--wish I could see their expressions on the other side of the screen.

Some other administrative changes are the Witch's health is back down to 1000HP and her attacks do less damage. Don't get me wrong, she's still a force to be reckoned with, but we can restore some Witch functionality since she cannot be set on fire any longer. The Tank burn time is also set back to normal since he cannot be set on fire anymore with incendiary ammo.

Also, Cheeky Monkey earned a reserved slot on the server! Welcome to the Pound, Monkey!

We run Sourcemod and Metamod, so if there are any plugins you would like us to evaluate, go to www.sourcemod.net, find the plugin, then send an e-mail to Admin@thedogpound.clanservers.com. We'll seriously evaluate if the plugin fits on the server or not, and if it does, we'll probably add it in!


Administrative Announcements: Reserved Slots

If you have a reserved slot and want to join the server when it is full (has 8 people) simply launch the game, pull down console, and type "connect". You will be placed as a spectator in the reserved slot, though may not be able to join a team until someone leaves (there are still only 8 playable slots, but this puts you on the server and in a better position to take the next available slot).

An admin e-mail account has also been set-up. The e-mail address is: Admin@thedogpound.clanservers.com

Thanks for stopping by The Pound!

Welcome to The Dog Pound--where all the strays end up.

We are a laid back, privately funded server run by Rocket-Dog, Gallifrey, Super Squirrel and Taztech.

This is a highly modified server running Metamod and Sourcemod with a lot of tweaks to make the server unique from basic L4D servers.


-Player can toggle their all talk on/off (default is off)
-Spectator mode enabled for players to go AFK
-Kicked players are auto-banned for 5 minutes
-Mic-spam, Voting abuse and Vocalize abuse guards are enabled
-Players can move forward with map-change instead of returning to lobby

-Increased ammo capacity, number of Pipe Bombs, Molotovs, Health Kits and Pills
-Pipe Bombs beep for 9 seconds, draws more infected
-Health Kit heals 120HP, Pills heal 65HP
-Survivors can be incapped 3 times instead of 2, have increased health while incapped, can crawl and can self release from ledge with “crouch” key
-Survivors receive 1 random upgrade at spawn, 1 for killing the Witch, 1 when the Tank spawns, and 1 for killing the Tank
-Random upgrades include Incendiary Ammo, Hollow-Point Ammo (increased damage), Goggles (see through vomit), Body Armor, Large Clip, Faster Reload, Reduced Recoil, Faster Movement, Increased Health, Revive Others Faster, Knife (escape hunter/smoker, one-time-use), Self Revive (one-time-use), Ledge Self Revive (one-time-use), and Raincoat (disables vomit, one-time-use).

-Slightly faster respawn times, faster ghost movement
-Mob sizes increase with number of survivor players (13 infected per player, bots do not count) and as maps progress
-Infected move, recognize and attack faster
-Infected have bots if less then 4 human players

-Max pounce damage increased to 75HP
-Hunters can release pounced survivors by pouncing again
-Hunters can “reflect” off of surfaces when pouncing (easier/faster wall climbing)

-Slightly faster movement
-Tongue can reach farther, recharges faster, and moves/latches faster
-Smokers can release survivors with right click
-Smokers cloud does -2HP damage per 2 seconds for 16 seconds

-Slightly faster movement
-Boomers recharge vomit faster
-Boomer explosion does -15HP damage

-Very slightly (5%) faster movement
-Longer frustration time and burn time
-Increased health (5000HP)
-Tank throws rocks faster and harder, rocks themselves are weaker

-Increased health (1200HP)
-Witch angers faster, does significantly more damage, will incap/kill faster…beware!!

-=Server Admins=-
Rocket-Dog (Owner/Operator)
Gallifrey (Owner/Operator)
Super Squirrel (Owner/Operator)
Taztech (Owner/Operator)
[BlackStar] Stephen
Tacoma Yakko

-=Reserved Slots=-
Amazing Hammer Brother
Azmen Pigs
Bilbo Baggins
Elusive Cow
Harbinger of Doom
jon jon po pong
Mr Mouse
Socially Awkward Penguin

This is a private server which is open to everyone and we hope is enjoyed by all! Donations are not necessary, but welcome as it can be expensive to keep the server up and running. If you would like to donate to the server, please follow this link: http://www.gameservers.com/clanpay/?clanid=c14af702e1433bc732845b4a380c9257

Thanks for stopping by The Pound!


Monday, August 3, 2009

We, The Server Admins

Holy $h1+